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Monday, March 8, 2010

Downsizing: The Beginning

Not too long ago I introduced you to my little cubbyhole office. This is still working out well. It's a little messier now but I digress. One thing I would like you to note is there's no printer in here and I have a reason for that, but first things first.

This is the upstairs office, complete with a monstrosity of a desk we like to call the beast. This desk has two file drawers on the left side and one file drawer on the bottom right side. There are file folders and files in all three of these drawers. Some are important papers and some are simply things printed off the web to be read later. I tend to be a person who has to be able to touch a piece of paper to know that it actually exists, and feel secure that no one can question whether a bill was paid or not if I can magically pull it from one of those drawers. Neurotic right? Are you beginning to realize why I don't have a printer in the pantry office? Yea, give me a couple of months and there would be no room for the food that we store in there.

My plan is to back up the things that I would have printed and place on to jump drives or external hard drives. That is the first step, the second is to go paperless. I have to be honest here, that scares the fudge brownies out of me. Even so, I've begun the process. I have made copies of account numbers and customer service numbers in case something happens to all three of our computers at once, because it COULD happen! You just never know!

We already receive our bank statements online, and I pay our bills there too. So the only thing that would change would be the bill not actually coming in the mail....., to our house, to my hands, to be stored in my desk. Phew! Scary! Can I open my eyes yet?

I've promised myself I'm going to do this. And I will. I just didn't give myself a deadline to get it done. A promise is a promise and a loophole is a loophole.

I hope to have a post ready in a few days/weeks to show you what I'm doing in place of the filing drawers. And maybe I can report that I have indeed went paperless. Onward and upwards! Only the strong shall survive! (Am I the only one hearing the Rocky theme music playing?)
