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Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring is here!!

So how did you celebrate the arrival of spring? We blew bubbles out in the yard. The dog chased them and popped them with his mouth and that was funny. The boy chased them and popped them with his mouth and that was... rather odd. Granny oohed and aahed over the bubbles and the pretty colors. Then we worked on the pool and a few flower beds. For the most part we just played outside. I did a lot of sitting and soaking up the sun.
The next day we went and watched a stunt rider perform on a street bike and that was interesting. The rider would do wheelies and ride on the gas tank things like that to entertain the crowd. The thing that impressed me the most was his attitude. Every time he seen a kid he went over and talked to them just to say hi and hang out with them for a few minutes in between shows. When he finished one of his twenty minute shows he walked around and talked to each of the kids and gave them high fives and the like. We got to talk to him for a few minutes on one of his breaks and he told me he was nineteen. He started out in motocross and then went into street bikes and enters stunt competitions. He told the kids that motorcycles kept him out of a lot of trouble when he was younger and although the stunts he performs look dangerous they are actually pretty safe. According to him this is a lot safer than those just riding on the highways. They are in a controlled environment, a marked off parking lot, and going at low speeds. This young man was not too cool to talk to the kids and encourage them and not to cool to answer a mom's questions about his sport. All in all a very nice young man.
When we arrived home it was still early and the weather was so nice, we got out the dirt bikes and rode for awhile. Good thing we took advantage of the opportunity, for it is raining today and suppose to rain for the next few days. But alas that is spring! We wish and hope and wait for spring and with it comes the rain. We will soon reap the rewards of all the sogginess with the beautiful blooms still yet to come. Hope you enjoyed the arrival of this glorious season. Until next time......Kristi