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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Paperless Kitchen Progress

The paperless kitchen challenge is going great so far. Largely in part due to drastically reducing our use of paper towels last year. I’m thinking that had we not done that and went cold turkey this year, then we would be sweating a little. I got used to reaching for a hand towel last year so the no-paper-towel-thing hasn’t really bothered me.

But let me show you my top shelf in the pantry.


But there’s paper products in my paperless kitchen?!?!

Well, yes there is. And here’s why.

The paper towels are still from that ridiculously overpriced package I bought last year-October 7, 2011. The fact we still have 8 rolls left(can't see them all in the pic) is promising. I’m not going to throw away money either so they’ll sit up there until life happens and I just can’t bear to touch it with a regular towel. With three people and three pets those things happen sometimes. They’ll also be good during hunting season and processing meat. Less regular towels to sanitize. But once they’re gone, they’re gone!

The package of napkins and paper plates were purchased at Christmas. I made cinnamon rolls for the guys at my husband’s work and sent those along to be used. Come to find out, another fellow brought meatballs that day along with disposable napkins and plates so these never got opened.

The paper cups are from Charlie. He went to work sick a few weeks ago and instead of buying high priced individual orange juice cartons he purchased a half gallon and bought these cups to drink it out of. So I have what’s left in my pantry. They can be used when we have kids around or this summer when we have pool parties.

The resealable bags are from meat processing over the winter. And will be used for that next winter or over the summer/fall to store our garden produce.

The biggest problem I have had is not using paper plates. Sometimes over the course of a busy weekend it’s hard to fight the urge to grab those instead. But then I have to remind myself that it only takes a few seconds to wash a plate.

It takes twenty one days typically to make a habit and the habit is there. But sometimes so is temptation. (smile)

So what about your challenges this year? Resolutions? I hope you are succeeding in them.

“Victory belongs to the most persevering.”-Napoleon

Moving Forward in 2012!

Have a great day!
