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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Makes You Think

We watched this video a couple years ago and it really makes you stop and think before purchasing something new.  Combine what you learn through this video and The 30 day list  concept and suddenly spendthrift ways come to a halt.

Some people try to go a whole year of not purchasing new. Of course you would want to set up your own standards to do that. Such as my list of things to only buy new would be pillows, socks, underwear, toothbrushes, shoes, and light bulbs. Ever try to find a used light bulb? Hard to judge the hours clocked on that sucker, I tell ya!

Anyway the list would probably contain several more things but the idea is to buy used when you can, borrow or rent when it isn't something used regularly and when it has to be purchased new don't get the fever and impulse buy; make sure you are getting good quality merchandise.

If you can find twenty minutes now or later take time to watch this video. It's very interesting and something we should all be aware of.