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Friday, February 10, 2012


Marriage is more than just good times and happiness together. Sometimes there’s pain and tears. Fresh wounds and old scars from the past that gets molded into the mix.

I remember the giddiness of being newlyweds and the playfulness about our days. Like the water hose fight right after we were married. In the rush of the blinding water we forgot about that rusty roll of hog wire…..I still have the scar.

There was that four wheeler ride after dark that was so romantic until we missed the turn in the dark and hit the ditch. I was still pulling briars out days after.

Marriage was painful those days.

 Later there was the exploding ditch that knocked me down up on top of the hill and left him with a hairless face and singed smelling. I was pregnant with our son at that time. Marriage was scary that day.

There were the knight in shining armor days when decked out in Redwing boots and demin shorts, handgun at the ready, he kept watch on the trespasser next door. A drizzle was falling and my heart in my chest I waiting and watched and prayed. Once all was clear I could see him trekking back up our hill, my hero heading home back to my arms, when the slick bottom boots on the wet grass tried to yank him back from our haven…..he instigated the most amazing, never again attempted, James Bond roll. Up he popped again, never once having dropped his gun. How we laughed that day.

Then there was the menacing skunk -the trash bag destroyer. Armed with a rifle my white knight set out on a mission that day. I’ll never forget him jumping up on the hood of that car when the skunk came out of the bag sooner than expected. I’ll also never forget standing ready at the washing machine armed with vinegar as he undressed outside the back door. Marriage stunk that day.

There were signs that these days were to be expected. I’d heard the tales of his dangerous past. Falling out of the apple tree, landing on the doghouse, and putting a nail through his tongue into the roof of his mouth.

Falling through floors, incidences with wenches outside of barn lofts all in the name of playing.

There were also the wheeled accidents  tricycles down sets of stairs, bicycles wrecks with handlebars to the throat, and a three wheeler wreck that started out as a “watch this “ and resulted in trying to eat up a gravel road entirely on his own. That didn’t deter him though, years later he upgraded to a motorbike and an asphalt road.

Some events were simply from rushing around. Such as with a certain light fixture, having changed the bulb, he replaced the globe and dropped back down to finish his project underneath. The fixture fell and broke apart across the back of his head. Had I blinked I’d have missed it.

The VCR repair, one last tweak after testing it resulted in an Aborigine dance across the kitchen floor. He forgot to unplug it. How I laughed that day.

A failure to listen to one another can be blamed for some accidents. Words like “shouldn’t the truck be on a level spot first?” , or, “let me help you” went unheeded and he flipped the dirt bike out the side of the truck. That event resulted in an evening spent in the emergency room and I was awarded the “Yes, I should have listened to you” line anytime I bring it up.   Ever.  Still.   Like, all the time.

Through it all we have looked back at the events over the course of our marriage and found laughter in each one. What was once scary or painful or stinky at the time became fun memories over the years.

We started out this journey with laughter and I hope that’s how we go out.

He always says,” you can’t be careful and have fun too.”

So I’ll simply say…. Have fun Charlie! I love you!

Happy Anniversary! (#16)
