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Friday, July 29, 2011

Tick Tock

My clock is ticking. No, not that one.

 My internal clock is usually ahead of the calendar. For instance my sleeping patterns change around daylight savings time just a few weeks prior to the actual event. Not something I’m particularly fond of but at least I’m prepared.

Here we are the last week of July and I feel like nesting. Most people talk about nesting in the spring time when the birds nest,  so spring cleaning emerges with the first few breaths of spring. And that’s a good thing but after being cooped up all winter I’m ready to be outside when spring first appears. All that cleaning out closets can be done under the air conditioning when it’s too hot to be out. Besides rugs dry so much faster in summer heat than in spring warmth.
My nesting tendencies come out in the fall. I start feeling the need to get everything neat and tidy for the colder months ahead when we’ll be spending so much time indoors. I also feel an urgency to make sure we have a good store of supplies laid in to get us through the winter. Not that we are anywhere near the boonies. The small town is ten minutes away, the big town is twenty minutes away, the really big town is forty-five minutes away and the really really big town is two hours away. So were aren’t desolate by any stretch of the imagination.  It’s just that nesting feeling- that mother bird feeling telling you to prepare. I start thinking of the baking I can do during hunting season, when the husband can come home to cinnamon rolls once again. The sewing projects that can be created on snowy days. The books read while under covers or the movies watched with my little man snuggled on the couch sharing a bowl of popcorn.
This year summer seemed to fly by. It’s already time for school and I hate to see summer go but the nesting feeling and the images of cozy family time makes the transition not so extreme and actually a little anticipated.
Until next time…Kristi.