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Friday, July 29, 2011

Tick Tock

My clock is ticking. No, not that one.

 My internal clock is usually ahead of the calendar. For instance my sleeping patterns change around daylight savings time just a few weeks prior to the actual event. Not something I’m particularly fond of but at least I’m prepared.

Here we are the last week of July and I feel like nesting. Most people talk about nesting in the spring time when the birds nest,  so spring cleaning emerges with the first few breaths of spring. And that’s a good thing but after being cooped up all winter I’m ready to be outside when spring first appears. All that cleaning out closets can be done under the air conditioning when it’s too hot to be out. Besides rugs dry so much faster in summer heat than in spring warmth.
My nesting tendencies come out in the fall. I start feeling the need to get everything neat and tidy for the colder months ahead when we’ll be spending so much time indoors. I also feel an urgency to make sure we have a good store of supplies laid in to get us through the winter. Not that we are anywhere near the boonies. The small town is ten minutes away, the big town is twenty minutes away, the really big town is forty-five minutes away and the really really big town is two hours away. So were aren’t desolate by any stretch of the imagination.  It’s just that nesting feeling- that mother bird feeling telling you to prepare. I start thinking of the baking I can do during hunting season, when the husband can come home to cinnamon rolls once again. The sewing projects that can be created on snowy days. The books read while under covers or the movies watched with my little man snuggled on the couch sharing a bowl of popcorn.
This year summer seemed to fly by. It’s already time for school and I hate to see summer go but the nesting feeling and the images of cozy family time makes the transition not so extreme and actually a little anticipated.
Until next time…Kristi.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

It's Here!

Just when you think you can't wait any longer....

X Games 17
July 28-31

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


"Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names".  -John F. Kennedy

(remember those sharks we talked about?)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Run the Day!

"Either you run the day or the day runs you."  -Jim Rohn

I had one of those days.  The one where I fell down the steps first thing that morning.  Then the alarm goes off while your at the post office.  Then when you finally make it home safe and sound, the soda explodes all over the kitchen and living room.  Yeah one of those days but I took it back when I laughed at it all.

Until next time....Kristi.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Unbelievably Talented Friday Fun

Did better than Axel and Slash!
Sorry but gotta call it like I see it! 

Thursday, July 21, 2011


"Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell....the name will carry"  -Bill Cosby

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Evolving Or Revolving

We bought a Kenmore washer and dryer and chest freezer right before Zach was born.  I couldn't see my feet so guess that's a good estimation.

Then the washer went out and we bought a front loading washer because of my king size comforter.
We also moved the chest freezer out to the shop and bought the upright you see in the pic.

But the upright freezer started leaking so out it went and the laundry room looked like this.

Front loaders are alright for some people but just not for me.  So now I have a matching washer and dryer set that closely resemble the set I started out with.

So you tell me is it evolving or was that revolving?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Room With a View

A friend of mine on Facebook recently built a house and in her pics I noticed her kitchen sink was facing into the living room and zeroed in on the TV.  On some of my favorite blogs I noticed the same trend. 

I understand the reasoning, while cleaning up the kitchen you can keep abreast of the news or your favorite show. 

Over my sink is a window.  I love the view it provides.  I often daydream while gazing out that window.  Washing dishes is pleasant while watching the birds or the dogs at play.  Many mornings, coffee is consumed while watching the sun rise from that window. 

I can watch TV from my kitchen but I prefer my window. :)

Until next time...Kristi.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

!!!!Birthday Girl!!!!

Happy Birthday Mama!

What a pretty smile!

Thursday, July 14, 2011


"Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes." - Jim Carrey

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What A View (or lack thereof)

This is the view from my laundry room. 
 This bush was taking over my back porch and making it very difficult to get in and out the door! 

After a visit from the clippers...

Ha Ha lookey there!  There's a shed in the backyard!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Let Me Introduce You

A lot of you already have heard about and met Baby Bambi.  But just in case you missed out let me introduce you.  One afternoon a few weeks ago a fawn wondered out of the woods in search of it's mother.  This happens from time to time.  A mother deer will wander off for a few hours to graze and then come back to feed it's fawn before wandering off again.  We thought the fawn woke up and went searching out of impatience.  So my husband took it back into the woods and stayed with it until it bedded down, hoping the mother would come back through that night and collect it. 

 the next day my son went over to check on it and it was gone so we thought for certain the mother had come back through and they left the area since they could smell our scent in that part of the woods.

But that afternoon we could hear it bleating.  We went to check on it and it was weaker than the day before and was obviously hungry.

So we took it up to the house to try to get it to eat while I called around to see what could be done.  After numerous phone calls and phone tag and speaking with park rangers at Natches Trace that is in our area, we finally got in touch with Walden Puddle in Middle Tennessee.  Oddly enough we don't have anything local capable of handling cases like this even though we are country smack dab in the middle of two large cities. And remember Natchez Trace is just twenty minutes away!  Ok enough harping.....sorry.  I just wanted this little guy to have a chance.  Life had already thrown him a few curves in the short time he had been here and no one seemed to be cooperating. 

Back to the story..... Walden Puddle takes orphaned animals and releases them back into the wild once they are ready. But they wouldn't be able to take it until Monday and this was Friday evening.  They gave us a number for a lady that is affiliated with them that could take him the next day and in a week he would be at Waddle Puddle in an arena with others just like him. 

In the mean time we had to bottle feed him and I have to say he took to it right away.  I was amazed at how quickly he adapted. 

Once at the arena the bottles get loaded into a feeder and hand feeding is ceased and human contact limited. Once old enough they are released back into the wild in a herd with at least one skittish deer that will continue to teach the others to be cautious.

Finally he's getting the chance he deserves.

He was such a precious visitor and a once in a lifetime experience!

Until next time....Kristi

Note:  a mother deer rejecting the fawn because of human contact is just an old wive's tale.  Plus after twelve hours of monitoring the fawn and proving it is indeed an orphan you can intervene.  We were also instructed after establishing it being abandoned to pen it for the safety of the fawn and also to keep it's feeding schedule regulated until it could be transported to the facility.  We tried to adhere to the laws while taking care of this beautiful creation.

Friday, July 8, 2011

New Digs

Yeah I know the new bed matches the living room but what's wrong with the couch?
It looks ok to me.

Wait a minute!  There's nothing wrong with the couch is there?!  You mean I'm suppose to sleep in this? 

You're getting my best "Shame-on-You" look I have on file.

Well, it does feel pretty good.  I'm getting kind of sleepy.

Ahhh... this is the life!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


"I have a simple philosophy:  Fill what's empty.  Empty what's full.  Scratch what itches." - Alice Roosevelt Longworth

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Field Trip!!

We had an impromptu field trip this weekend.  I'm talking we planned this and prepared for this in about an hour.  With everything going on with my mother this past school year, we didn't take a field trip.  Better late than never, right? 

We went bowling and putt putt golfing. I was too busy playing to take pics here.  My natural modesty keeps me from gloating on how well my bowling game was.  :)

 We had a picnic.
At Pinson Mounds.  An ancient Indian burial ground and archeology park.  I haven't been here since I was in elementary school.  My husband has lived here for thirty years and this was his first time.

Then we went into the museum. (Looks like Teletubbies should come out to play any minute.)
Then we hit the trails.  Up first is Saul's Mound.  This is huge!  The pics don't do it justice.
Just beyond this mound is a field with depressions in it.  The indians carried baskets of dirt from that field to build Saul's Mound. 

On the backside of Saul's Mound are steps to the top.

View from the top.

The view was beautiful.  We counted six cell towers off in the distance in the first pic. The second pic is the backside of the museum.

We had it to ourselves so took our time taking pics. 

There are mounds scattered everywhere here.  Our next stop on the trail was the boardwalk that ends at an overlook of the South Forked Deer River.

This tree caught our eye.  Again, the camera shrinks it to fit the frame.  Trust me this tree was massive.

I had Charlie stand by it to show contrast but again the "real life" is so unbelievable.  The camera version not so much.

Straight as can be and no limbs until the top. 

  It would have taken all three of us or more to wrap around the base of it. 

We had such a great time.  There was no entrance fee or admittance fee at the park or museum plus we had a picnic lunch. So it was very inexpensive.  While eating we marveled at the difference between our peaceful eating spot and the noises of a restaurant.  We all agreed we came out on top with our choice.  And we enjoyed each others company.  With the money we saved we hope to take another excursion this summer or fall and have more quality family time together.

Until next time........Kristi.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Fun Friday

Meet Lily. Singing Adele's Rolling in the Deep. So Cute!

Have a great weekend!