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Monday, June 13, 2011

My Oh My!

It was just a tough week for politicians last week wasn't it?  First up Mrs S., we'll call her, and her fine rendition of history.  But in all fairness we can't blame her solely for this.  I mean we should have learned our lesson the first time around.  When she speaks we cease to listen.  What's that old saying?  Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice.........

And then there was Congressman Weiner and his weiner.  Need I say more?  Don't even want to touch that and I do mean literally.  But it did bring to mind an old song......but you know me, I have to put my own twist on it.

Oh I wish I was a congressman's weiner
For that is what I'd truly like to be
For if I was a congressman's weiner
Then all of twitter would be in love with me!

(can substitute "then all the tweeters would be in love with me")