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Monday, June 27, 2011


My son had a program he wanted to download to his computer and after his father spending hours and losing his temper he declared it couldn't be done. Mumbling about it being out of date and something or other about not enough RAM.

Now my Zach is ever the optimist and after searching in forums and for links to tutorials he had the program installed in about ten minutes.

What can you say?  Not a lot actually.

In a separate incident just this week, Zach wanted to download FRAPS. (frames per second) great little tool to record video of games and give tutorials on the computer. The actual application costs about 37 dollars and is quite impressive but he found a demo version for free and asked for permission to download. I agreed and asked him to show me one of his videos when he got it done.

Later after showing me a few shorts of video. I ask if he has to leave the program running and minimize it while playing his game so he can turn it on and off that way. He says no I rigged it up so all I have to do is push F9 to record or pause. All of this was said as if he was teaching me to tie my shoes.

What can you do? What can you say?  I just turned and left before I lost anymore of my dignity.