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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

(How I'd Like) To Kill A Mockingbird

For the last couple of weeks my lack of sleep has suffered even more thanks to a mockingbird.  He starts in the same time every night and ends around the same time.  I have tried to come up with solutions but none really seem plausible.  I've even entertained ideas of firing rocket launchers with the end result being that of Princess Fiona's bird after singing to it-just a pair of sizzling feet and a few feathers. 

So while laying there last night staring up at the ceiling, having given up on one website's suggestion to let the song lull you to sleep, I go online and search for the reason this is happening.

Only bachelor mockingbirds sing.  The nightly singing is a love song, a serenade to lure a mate and once having found a mate the nightly singing stops.  My first thought was...umm hmm, typical male.  But anyway my next thought was this being mother nature's show it shouldn't be long before it ends.  But then thinking on how much time has already passed, I've come to the conclusion: we are short on single lady mockingbirds or we have one unattractive bird!  Of course my mind doesn't stop there and it takes the scenic route, gets lost a few times, but finally makes the full circle.  The reason for this being....he's singing at night and not getting his beauty rest!

And sadly neither am I!

Me and this bird may be together for a long time!