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Monday, November 22, 2010

The Hobby Closet

I love to organize. I love to simplify and see how less of something we can get by with. I also have an unhealthy obsession with throwing stuff out. Don't ask me to explain, because I don't know,
I just love to get rid of stuff. But I have had such a love-hate relationship with an extra closet lately. This closet was organized and nothing on the floor. So it was easy to vacuum and housed stuff we used occasionally but not daily. But for some reason it just bugged me and I'd find myself rearranging it often trying to get it to feel right. Cooler weather has set in here where we live and we were getting out jackets and hunting gear, I was inwardly cringing thinking of how badly our clothes closet would look until spring time. These bulky clothes crammed in with our everyday clothes makes it look like its almost bursting at the seams. So I suggested to my husband that he go through his hunting attire and what he knew he wouldn't be using this year we could store in a labeled bin out in our storage shed. He agreed but there was still a lot that would be staying in the house. Then the extra closet came to mind. Why not make that a place not only for the hunting clothes but also the gear too. So we reevaluated the things already in there and some got delegated to the shed. In their place went all the guys stuff plus plastic on the floor to set hunting boots on. It still houses our board games and my sewing machine but we also added our dirt bike riding gear and our race bag and fishing bag. We call it the hobby closet now. It no longer has the floor space it did, and we had to remove a shelf for the clothes to hang right, but now it's being useful. I think that was the gripe I had with it earlier. I felt it was wasted space. Now I know it's keeping all that stuff out of my walk-in and that makes me happy! Until next time.....Kristi.