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Monday, November 8, 2010


Last month I lost two of my favorite blogs. They were the first blogs I read. I enjoyed them so much and will miss them in my daily routine. One stopped due to family illness and I hope will return to blogging later on. The other stopped because she no longer enjoyed blogging. Having just posted my 100th post, this made me take a moment and ask myself if I still enjoyed Gray Days. I found I still love doing it, I just seem to have veered off what I had originally started it for. I more or less wanted to use it as an online journal on housekeeping, homeschooling, and frugality. And possibly a way for the family to keep up with how my mother is doing. What I seemed to have done is get on my soap box more often than not, which is not necessarily a bad thing, this is also an outlet for me. I tend to let people do things to upset me then just keep it inside. This blog allows me to get my frustration out in a more productive way, than say punching them in the nose. Anyway I will try to mix it up a bit here in the next 100 posts. Maybe a little less opinionated. Maybe. Cut me some slack here, old habits are hard to break.
So for the past few weeks I have been searching for new blogs to follow. I can't seem to find the kindred spirits I just lost but I have found some just as entertaining and interesting. One in particular has me contemplating a few things to try in the new year. I'm very excited about this and will be sharing this with you nearer to the close of the year. Have a great day! Until next time........Kristi.