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Monday, September 20, 2010

Part 2

Simple how this started. I was in the grocery store the other day and picked up a head of cabbage. I thought about how the younger generation hates the smell of cabbage cooking ,but for me, it reminds me of Granny's house. Stopping by right at dinner time because granny always had the table set at dinner. For those of you not from the south, that means lunch time. The evening meal is referred to as supper. The main meal of the day was dinner not so much emphasis was placed on supper unless there was company. At dinner time there was always a chance of one of the kids or grand kids stopping by to share the bounty of her table.

Just by that smell alone, her kitchen comes into focus. I can remember the layout and almost feel the floor giving under my feet and hear the squeak of the floorboards. the ceiling was low in here because it once was the back porch but was converted into a more modern kitchen.There weren't many cabinets in the kitchen, but that didn't seem to matter, for everything had its place and the kitchen was always in apple pie order. The lack of cabinet space just eliminated the need for excess.
The room off the kitchen was a large room with a high ceiling. It held extra seating when the house was overflowing with company and served as an extra bedroom. But more importantly it was where she did her quilting. Her large quilting frame hung overhead suspended from the ceiling. A few times we stopped by and I had the privilege of spying that frame lowered and seeing a masterpiece held within it. This room also held the old wood cook stove and Granny stilled used it when the newer electric version of it was overloaded. The heat from that old stove was welcome when you first arrived but soon became overwhelming and would force you to seek out another room. That room being the living room, where Granddaddy had the wood stove roaring and eventually have you running for the door to brave the cool temps outside that would start a recurring cycle of musical rooms all over again.