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Monday, July 5, 2010

When the Weather Outside is Frightful

Had guests over for a pool party to try and beat the heat. Then Mother Nature decided after about thirty minutes that we had indeed had enough. Thunder and lightning, along with a toad strangler rain does not make for a fun pool party.

So what can you do but take the party inside. The kids decided to play hide and seek. But once again were thwarted not by Mother Nature this time but by the laws of physics. Getting in the dryer wasn't a problem, it was getting out that became the real test.

He was a good sport about it and you got to respect that drive and determination to take hide and seek up a notch.

Love this girl! Love the attitude that says, ' I may be a girl, I may be small, but I don't have to put up with a bunch of aggravating boys!' I'm telling you I love this girl! She can hold her own against two rambunctious boys.

Speaking of which.... the two rambunctious boys decided to entertain us by wrestling, when hide and seek started to wane.

It was a blast having these kids at our home. They are great kids and can't wait for them to visit again!