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Monday, July 12, 2010

Time is On My Side?

Seems that five minutes is too much to give sometimes. A little project that takes only five minutes to complete is too overwhelming for a procrastinating mind. Our logical side knows that it will only take a minute but our brain convinces us that is a miscalculation and it will take at least a month. And we believe. So we do nothing, waiting for an uneventful month that we can set aside to devote to our project. That month never comes and our project falls by the wayside to be forgotten. Then months, years, later we notice that we never completed that spot right there. No problem! It won't take but a moment to do I'll get right on it! Then you notice the damage that your procrastination caused and the one minute fix you were about to perform will indeed take a lot longer. Not a good feeling if you are talking about a home improvement project but an even scarier feeling if you are talking about fixing a problem inside yourself. Take a moment everyday and see what needs fixing in your life whether it be outside or inside your life or yourself. Until next time.....Kristi.