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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

We Interupt Your Regularly Scheduled Program....

I know this is suppose to be Word-Wednesday but since I have been M.I.A. lately I decided we could break the rules for a change. I wanted to update on life around here.

July 4th, we shot a few fire works. Few meaning 'why bother if that's all there is'. But they were pretty nonetheless.

On July 16th, my Mom had a birthday. 75 and still kicking.

Our nephew turned 18 on July 17th. Which just makes you feel old especially since you remember him being born.

Our son, Zach, had a mysterious reaction to something?, nothing?, anything?, it's any one's guess. But it made for a really interesting picture to show when small talk starts to wane, you know, "Oh by the way, take a look at my sons hives, doesn't it just make you want to scratch?" We document everything. Apparently nothing is sacred with us.

And finally, I saved the best for last... We have a new addition to our family, Sam. The black side by side refrigerator that I have waited all my adult life for, ok maybe that's stretching it a bit, let's try it again, the black side by side refrigerator I have waited most of my adult life for. He is tall, dark and handsome rolled into one sleek package. So without further ado......

Until next time.......Kristi