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Monday, April 26, 2010

Under the Influence

We know that we ,as parents, have the largest impact on our children. From infancy on they mirror us, good or bad. We often can learn a lot about ourselves just by watching them.
When I was pregnant with my son I didn't have any odd food combination cravings. But I did crave strawberry milk and drank it often during the early stage of my pregnancy until the doctors told me to stop. Put quite simply either I stopped drinking the strawberry milk or they could give me shots to control my sugar. Thus the end of my new favorite drink. While I kicked the habit, unbeknownst to me, my unborn son evidently had developed an addiction. From an early age he requested strawberry milk and still drinks a glass in the morning and one in the evening.
Likewise I ate breakfast foods regularly while carrying him and breakfast is his favorite meal no matter what time of day. Beginning to see a connection?

When he began to wiggle around and show signs of crawling, I looked for something to motivate him and came up with a twinkie. The package was shiny and made a nice crackle sound when squeezed. And it worked. He learned to crawl that day. Nowadays when at the grocery store it never fails that a box of sweet cakes always seems to find it's way into our cart. I often wonder if I would have gotten the same results if I had used broccoli instead. Something tells me I would have been sadly disappointed.