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Monday, April 19, 2010

All or Self

Don't worry this isn't some big soul searching post. In fact this is a confessional. You see I've done the whole "tightwad" thing for years. Being frugal for the future and for the betterment of our budget. But I have a secret that may turn all fellow frugalites against me. I've been sneaky. I've been bad, bad for years. Weak of heart look away. Are you setting down?

I buy self rising flour.

No seriously, that's it , I BUY self-rising flour in addition to all-purpose. Yes, you read right.

According to most frugal articles I've read, this act alone could have me ousted from tightwadism altogether. They claim buy only plain flour then add in baking powder and salt for any recipes calling for self rising. And why not? I mean it's simple to do, saves you from having multiple canisters in the cabinet, and it's cheaper.

So why do I buy it? . I already have the canister in the cabinet. It's not that much more expensive and sometimes I'm in a hurry when I'm cooking. In short, laziness I guess.

But there is hope for me. The other day I was cooking and decided to throw a cobbler together for dessert. They're fast to whip up and put in the oven. And if I would hurry there would be just enough time to get it done by the time hubby came home. I went to work grabbing ingredients and when I reached for my self rising flour it was empty. Not to worry I would just run to the freezer and pull out another bag. I buy several at once and store in the freezer for safe keeping. I get to the freezer and there is only plain flour. I return to the kitchen dejected, already mourning my lost cobbler. Then inspiration hits. Why not just bite the bullet and add baking powder and salt. So I did. The cobbler was ready when the Man got home. No one knew of my dilemma turned victory except me. But wouldn't Granny be proud!

Will I buy self rising again? Probably. But it's nice to know that I have options. That I am queen of my domain. That I am a contender. Ready to do battle next time, armed with my apron and my wooden spoon.