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Monday, February 14, 2011

Love of Things

My list of things I love aside from the usual family and friends:
  • listening to the silence after a new fallen snow
  • leaves on the ground in the fall
  • clothes swaying in the breeze while drying on the line
  • towels that smell of sunshine
  • a dog's devotion to ensure your happiness
  • a cat's indifference to your happiness
  • a lawn just mowed
  • the beauty and smell of a horse, such strenghth and grace they display
  • the feel of the sheets molding to your form when you first get in bed (the ultimate awe moment, a true day pause, the feeling that this was what it was all for)
  • watching the effortless flight of the birds
  • hot chocolate on a cold day
  • curling up with a good book
  • sun, sun, sun!
  • feeling the sun warm your face on a cool spring day
  • gravy of any kind ;) (y'all can have the sweets just leave me the gravy)
  • learning something new
  • projects (busy hands are happy hands)
  • a line that says it all (the mind makes many journeys, but the heart is always home)
  • laughter ( the only thing that has sustained me these pasts few weeks)
  • most importantly....someone that helps you find the laughter when all you could find were tears (thank you Charlie)