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Friday, February 25, 2011

Fun Friday

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Zach's Celebration Day

In honor of his hard work on his channel and surpassing one thousand channel views, Zach was rewarded with a celebration.

Our day started out at Chuckie Cheese.

I love that look of determination here.

Then a trip through the model cars section
of Hobby Lobby.

After a little shopping we went to eat. Then checked out Essex.  These guys had a lot of nerf guns and some great deals on toys.

Finally ended the day with a duel with Dad 
using guns he found at Essex.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Welcome Spring!

My calendar states the first day of spring is March 20th. but my spring started on February 14th. I like to think of Valentine's Day as the gateway to spring. I know we'll still have cold snaps and possibly another snowfall but we've had those after the official spring date too. So I don't let that bother me. Valentine's Day usually brings more seasonal temperatures and that subtle change in the temps seems to shake mother nature out of her slumber. Buttercups start emerging, the sun seems to peek through the trees at a slightly different angle and even the song of the birds seems cheerier. Most years we just get easy in our minds that spring is here and then summer lands in our laps and we feel like we had only just got a glimpse of spring. This way I get a longer spring. My mood improves much earlier than in previous years and I appreciate this transitional time a little more. In a sense I get to take charge of my life, instead of waiting for my calendar to declare when I can come out of hibernation.

For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone;
The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;
Song of Solomon 2: 11-12

Friday, February 18, 2011

Jessica's "Daily Affirmation"

What if we all started our day this way?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Love of Things

My list of things I love aside from the usual family and friends:
  • listening to the silence after a new fallen snow
  • leaves on the ground in the fall
  • clothes swaying in the breeze while drying on the line
  • towels that smell of sunshine
  • a dog's devotion to ensure your happiness
  • a cat's indifference to your happiness
  • a lawn just mowed
  • the beauty and smell of a horse, such strenghth and grace they display
  • the feel of the sheets molding to your form when you first get in bed (the ultimate awe moment, a true day pause, the feeling that this was what it was all for)
  • watching the effortless flight of the birds
  • hot chocolate on a cold day
  • curling up with a good book
  • sun, sun, sun!
  • feeling the sun warm your face on a cool spring day
  • gravy of any kind ;) (y'all can have the sweets just leave me the gravy)
  • learning something new
  • projects (busy hands are happy hands)
  • a line that says it all (the mind makes many journeys, but the heart is always home)
  • laughter ( the only thing that has sustained me these pasts few weeks)
  • most importantly....someone that helps you find the laughter when all you could find were tears (thank you Charlie)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Crepe Paper Rose Balls

I talked about making these in Monday's post.  Well, here are the confounded things that caused me to burn my fingers.  Once the blisters have healed and the pain forgotten, I may make some in summery colors to display when the temps soar!  And they will.  Though it seems forever away.  I'm missing the sun can you tell?  Have a great weekend!  Until next time........Kristi.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

:: Fifteen ::

Happy Fifteen!!
The rings haven't aged a bit..........!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Taking this time to say Happy Anniversary to The Traveling Preacher's Wife blogger a.k.a. my sis-in-law!
Not only did you love each other but you loved us enough to interupt your honeymoon to attend our wedding.  Congrats you guys on 15 years!!  Safe travels and see you soon......Kristi.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Valentine Prep and Other Ramblings

Last week was a hectic week. Lots of things going on with mom, hospital and doctor appointments, so thanks for the excused leave of absence that I took on Monday.

Now this week appears to be just as hurried. There are so many valentine candies to make early this week. So why am I making them now when Valentine's Day isn't until Monday? Well our anniversary is this Thursday and the Hubs is taking off work and skipping jury duty to plan on a long weekend. Relaxing? Shopping, you say? No to work on a field! LOL! But that's ok we will all enjoy the field. I'll bring you up to date on that another time.

But with all that going on, the candy will have to be made early or I'll have to make it on Valentine's Day itself and who wants to do that. You are suppose to kick back and gorge yourself on the candy that day.

I'm making bon bons this year since I didn't make them at Christmas. I swapped the chocolate covered cherries for the bon bons. Hate me. Plus, making some "almond bark brittle with pink red and white candy corn". Seriously, I think that is the official name.

I fried my finger tips making crepe paper rose balls to decorate with and keep up until spring is in full swing. Would love some sort of "lovey dovey" picture to put in one of the shelves in the living room. I've seen such cute decorations on other blogs this week. I didn't realize so many people decorated for this holiday. Our tradition is homemade candy I make and maybe going out to dinner.

I'm curious to know what you do for Valentine's Day. Do you have any traditions? Do you go all out or just kind of let this one slide by since it doesn't feel like you've recovered from Christmas yet?

Friday, February 4, 2011

Fun Friday

For all you book and coffee lovers out there!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Winter X Games 15

As usual the X games did not disappoint.  There were lots of records set this year as in other years.  And of course there were the wow factors that were just plain entertainment!!  Caleb and Colten Moore proved to be just what the doctor ordered!  Check out the vid!! 

Until next time......Kristi.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011