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Monday, January 24, 2011

More On Dabble

Let me explain a bit more about my last post before I accumulate a lot of mail and pamphlets about exorcising our home.

Our house is not haunted by a ghost that originated by a murder\suicide. We built the house, therefor we are the extent of dwellers that have inhabited here. Plus as far as I know we didn't build on an ancient burial ground so no poltergeist activity is evident.

I believe every house is alive with the energy produced by it's inhabitants and it stores up a memory of that energy. Every wonder why so many deserted houses have ghost sightings and sounds? I believe it is the house remembering. And after a while it is grieving, wanting to be alive again. I also believe it stores up the good and the negative energy. And whatever was most prominent is what it will emanate.

This house, I like to think, is good energy and even a little mischievous because we love to play within these walls. We run through the house about everyday and have since we first moved in. We have played hide and seek with puppies and kittens and with one another. We
have chased each other back and forth with laughter ringing. So if the stairs happen to creak it isn't a big deal to me it's just the house remembering us walking up. And if the hair dryer becomes unplugged while I'm using it, then it's a little of our playful energy being returned.

I could go on and on about this house because I love it so. I truly feel at peace when I walk through these doors. Instantly feeling safe from a world that is sometimes harsh. It is my haven and I feel blessed over that fact and at the same time feel a sadness for those that feel restless in theirs, always wanting to leave it instead of wanting to return.

In my quest this year to be more aware, I focused on my house and my feelings toward it. I found that I love this house and am so thankful it loves me back.

"The happiest homes I have known I can describe very well, though I cannot remember the fabrics or decorations in them. I remember them for a sort of glow, a radiance over everything; and it was not indirect illumination, it was the glow of a warm and happy spirit inhabiting the home." - Gladys Taber