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Monday, January 17, 2011


Our stairs creak only when someone goes up or down them. They creak from the weight of the person walking. The other night we were all upstairs together when the stairs start to creak. I automatically assume it is my mother over to visit. My husband leans over to look down the stairs to greet whom ever it is. And there's no one there. He looks at me then shrugs. I said it's the house elf. He must of got lonely.
You've heard me mention our house elf before. He is the one that gets blamed for things disappearing around here but being a bandit isn't all he does. He makes the stairs creak, the lights flicker. He unplugs things. He has recently hid my favorite hairbrush that I keep in a certain spot always. I asked him to help me find it and he did. He also decided to play video games the other night and I have to say that was very entertaining.
He's been with us so long he is like part of the family but I realized recently he didn't have a name. After much consideration and deliberation. We are going to call him Dabble because he likes to "dabble" in just about anything.
Hopefully now that he has a name all his own he won't be as mischievous as before. Until next time......Kristi.