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Monday, October 4, 2010

Part 4

Granny's sink was a one bowl cast iron sink. To wash dishes you pulled out the old wash tub, filled it with water and set it up on the counter. There you washed the dishes and rinsed them in the sink. This had to be done everytime. Three times a day she did this. She kept a dish drainer on the left side of the sink but dishes only took a short break there for she dried each dish and put it away immediatley. This meant a trek across the kitchen with each dish to the free standing cabinet in the corner that housed the plates and glasses.
Over the sink in a very distinct place, between the two windows, was the water dipper. An aluminum long handled water dipper. when Granddaddy came in hot and thirsty from working outside he went to the sink and used that dipper to get a drink of tap water from the sink, then hung it back up on its nail. It was such a guilty pleasure when we children would come in and all get a drink from that dipper, there was a pitcher of cold water in the refrigerator, but nothing could compare to being allowed to drink after or before someone else and not have to wash the object when we were through. The only rule was to make sure and hang it back up right after use. How I miss seeing that dipper. I often wonder what happened to it and hope it has a safe home and place of honor as it once did long ago.