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Monday, October 25, 2010

I've been participating in October Homey Goodness hosted over at Clean Mama Blog.
Thought I'd repost her list here before the month is up and you can jump in too. There's still time to pick a few and make your house feel real homey as this season charges full steam ahead into winter.

  • Make something with apples ( I made an applesauce cobbler)
  • Find a better way to do laundry ( I perfected this years ago and can't make any other way work for me)
  • Start a cleaning schedule ( again I figured out mine years ago and it works for me, I have tried others and always go back to mine)
  • Do something creative, such as a craft or sewing project ( I made a Halloween banner for our front door)
  • Make a soup or stew ( We aren't really soup people but we love homemade chili, so I made a big pot of it)
  • Wash floors ( do this weekly but really deep cleaned them this time!)
  • Paint something ( I did this one over and over as you'll soon see in upcoming post. So far the count is one bedroom and three exterior doors, with possibly a fourth door and trim on the shop and interior of cabinets)
  • Decorate for the season ( posted pics of this earlier, but I don't think mother nature can be out done)
  • Make a simmering air freshener ( I have done these in the past with cinnamon and cloves and orange peels but you have to make sure your pot doesn't boil dry on the stove or if you have a simmering pot you have to wash it later. and that's just too much work for me. I have candle warmers in my house, so I purchased two mulled cider candles for a dollar each and have them warming at both ends of my house. The house smells like autumn so I'd say the task was accomplished.
  • Make a pumpkin bread or muffin ( I made pumpkin pie, a fluffy pumpkin cheesecake and then pumpkin bread with leftover pumpkin. We like pumpkin. Can you tell?)
  • Deep clean something ( floors)
  • Turn on lamps instead of overhead ( I do this anyway. Love lamp light and in the dead of winter love to bring out the oil lamps and feel their warmth and watch the flicker of the light during supper)

    That's the list. Again I did not create this list.
    All rights belong to Clean Mama. I just participated. Had lots of fun and will post pics of projects soon. Until next time.... Kristi.