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Monday, August 23, 2010

What is the Worth of a Word?

I had a friend mention to me not too long ago that we say the word love too often. That set me to thinking how many times I use the word love, and whom I say it too. What I came up with is that the word itself has many versions for there are so many levels of love. There is the 'I love you bud' for the friend that you've known forever and that you confide in. The 'I love you buddy' for the nephew you love like your own son. Love for the people you care about and care what happens to them. The 'I am in love with you' kind of love. And of course the ones you have to love because they are family but don't necessarily like them. So yes I guess I do tell lots of people I love them, using the same word but with a degree of difference depending on the person. I don't feel a need to apologize for that because I also thought about the times I had used the word hate or felt the emotion. I couldn't come up with one actual time or person that I absolutely hate. Maybe a few with a small dislike but no hatred. So isn't that what we are suppose to do? Love one another and not hate? Do good to those around us? Maybe we should overuse the word love more often. Maybe there would be more compassion in the world and less wars. Less children abandoned and abused. Less elderly lonely and overlooked. Less bickering over petty insignificant things. Again I don't think I should apologize for using a word I mean, in whatever degree I say it in. Until next time....Kristi.