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Friday, January 29, 2010

Happy Groundhog Day!

I'm a country girl, so I'm not naive enough to believe a critter will bring spring or vex us with more winter. I know that we still have dogwood winter and whippoorwill winter and blackberry winter to go through before we can say that warmer weather is here to stay. But I have to admit I'm ready to recite my favorite verses of scripture.

For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone;
The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;
Song of Solomon 2:11-12

Fills me with peace and makes me anxious all at once.
Here's wishing you a Happy Groundhog Day!

Snow Days

Gray days is more like white days today.
This is the view out my front door and it's still snowing!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


"Outside of a dog a book is man's best friend, inside of a dog it's too dark to read." Groucho Marx

Get Your Shine On!

Mother Nature's Bling Bling
Pretty isn't it? HE sure knew what HE was doing when HE decided to accessorize!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Coyotes, Wolves and Bears OH MY?

Overheard in the ladies bathroom.
Mother and daughter come in:
Mother:You take that one and I'll go in this one and we'll be done at the same time.
Both doors close a few minutes pass.
Daughter: La La La....
(Mother laughs)
Daughter: Are you laughing at me?
Mother: Yes, at your la la la..What was that for?
Daughter: I thought I heard a ghost...but there's no such thing as ghosts. (sounds a little unsure of herself)
Mother: Oh really?
Daughter: Just coyotes and wolves.(stated very seriously)
Mother: But they're not ghosts.
(Daughter obviously ignoring mom)
Daughter: And bears. Especially bears.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Mother

The photo you see here, is of my mother, Dorothy, in her senior year of high school in 1953 . My mother is a very kind and thoughtful person. Always willing to help and usually doing so without being asked. She is very energetic. I've seen her run circles around others more than half her age. Funny to a fault, she can tell stories from her childhood and have you in tears. This is one great person that I am proud to call Mama. She read to me as a child and instilled my love of books. She sang around the house and instilled my love of music.
Dorothy is mostly sunny these days in her disposition, but she has a shadow that follows her. This shadow grows. Every morning is a test to see if it has grown or if it is in hibernation. Even if it is still, it hovers or follows and makes its presence known. You can feel its weight mostly at night in bed in the recollection of the day. Can see what it clouded. This shadow has a name and it is called Alzheimer's. She is in the early stages of the disease but already has lost so much. Simple daily tasks that she has done a thousand times suddenly can't be remembered well enough to perform. An old friends name escapes her memory with a shake of her head and an uttered "their face looks so familiar".
There are times I am hopeful that she will forget painful things that have happened to her. She lost a child many years ago and the hurt still runs deep from that loss. She smiles and talks around the lump in her throat when she mentions his name. The other day while housecleaning she came across a photo of him. She loving wiped the frame with tears in her eyes and I couldn't help but wonder how long will it be before she forgets his name. Will she forget him altogether? Will she simply feel a loss when she looks at that photo, but can't remember why? I have a feeling that no matter what this unforgiving disease takes from her it will leave the emotion. The memory of emotion.
Most days are sunny to Dorothy. She loves to be outside spotting planes or sitting in the swing reading a book. Her love of a good book is still with her. Most days are sunny the shadow may be there but it has not covered her light yet. Her light has shined for almost seventy-five years. It is strong and so is she.
Do you have someone that suffers from Alzheimer's Disease? What are your worries and fears? What are things you have found to help you and your family during this time?


Welcome to my first blog! Sometimes in life we have great ideas or just random thoughts that seem to clutter up our heads. I wanted somewhere to put these thoughts if for no other reason than to be rid of them and finally get some sleep! Drop by and see what project I may be working on in the house, how we are trying to get out of debt, or just hear me rant instead of choking someone in this house. I didn't mean that last part. I probably did choke them and decided to rant anyway:) Thanks for stopping by!!!