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Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I don't say much about my mother.  In fact, I have only a few posts about her.  Alzheimer's takes away enough of one's dignity and I didn't want to add to that.  I felt it would be disrespectful to her. 

 But the truth is  I get jealous when I see my former classmates out shopping with their moms. Because mom was my shopping buddy; she was the one I would call if I had to make an unexpected run to town or grocery shopping, even yard saleing  She was more than my mom, she was my best friend.

One day I spotted a friend of mine in town with her mother and the jealously popped up but I was instantly ashamed.  This particular friend of mine was very close to her father and had lost him to cancer only a year or two earlier.  They had a very close relationship and his death was almost devastating to her. So I was shamed in my quick reaction. At least I still have my mom; she's still here.  She still gives hugs and she still says "I love you".  Those are things to be grateful for.  She may not always know who I am but she's always glad to make a new friend. 

My husband keeps reminding me to stop looking at the big picture and focus on the small snapshots that are in front of me and learn to have gratitude for those.

My year's theme for 2011 was to be more aware; now it includes gratitude. 

My Mom: