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Monday, December 6, 2010

Projects, They Keep Going and Going and Going.....

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We have been very busy around here the last few weeks. But busy is good. We extended the office in our shop and made a reloading center in there for the hubby. Plus there was enough room to move the tanning bed out there which means I now have an office with a view. I am typing this in between gazing out the window watching the sun rise.
We just finished making a pantry in the kitchen out of a spare bedroom closet. The hubby just split it down the middle and opened it up into the kitchen. Then he closed up the bedroom side of the pantry which meant the room had to be painted. I just finished that this week. It isn't finished yet, we still have to put up baseboard, add a few floor seam strips, and touch up a few places with paint. I plan to post pics when we get through with all the tweaking.
In between the two projects mentioned above, the man also found time to build a clubhouse for our son. The trampoline has been moved to just below it that makes for lots of stomach swallowing which translates to "lots of fun" if you are ten.
I've been sitting here counting my painting projects, from this year alone, and it is staggering. But honestly things just look better with a fresh coat of paint. So I guess I won't be hanging up my brush just yet.
I know this is a pieced together post but I wanted to check in. Hope you and your family had a great holiday. Next up, Christmas! The excitement is building here. The countdown has begun!