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Monday, June 21, 2010

I'm Still Here

Just a note to let you know that indeed I am still breathing. I usually draft on the weekends and lately the weekends have been crazy but a good crazy. Last post I was advising you to step out of your comfort zone and blog if that is something you desire. Well I have currently been taking my own advise concerning comfort zones. Anyone that knows me, knows that I am not social at all. Chit chat makes me crazy, crowds make me stop breathing, and house guests bring hives. But for the past three weeks I have had house guests and enjoyed it. I got to see old friends and made new ones as well. Plus they have some of the cutest kids. All this social activity has made for some funny pictures, great stories, and even better memories. I will be sharing some of those with you this week.

This past weekend we did a bit of remodeling in our living room. Painting and new flooring. Good bye carpet! Also during this project there was a small road trip north of Nashville to a town called White House. Again there will be a full explanation complete with pictures later on in the week.

Hope you have all had a nice couple of weeks, complete with a few wonderful memories of your own.

I will try to settle back in to some sort of routine here once again. Thanks for bearing with me while I was away. Until next time..........Kristi