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Friday, March 9, 2012


"Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be."  - Khalil Gibran

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A great website for using up leftovers is Big Oven.  You simply select what leftovers you have and it searches for recipes to use them up!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Plant Guide Link

Sprout Robot is a free planting guide for gardeners.  They do have an optional membership program you can join and have seeds sent to you at the time they need to be planted. The free plant guide breaks down planting into weeks in your zone.  Very helpful when you are unsure when to plant.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Better Late Than Never

I'm sorry I didn't update last week or post but truth be told we haven't done anything of interest lately.  Still cutting wood when the weather permits.  We got the dirt bikes out last weekend but the track was a little too wet so we didn't ride.  Buddy cut his ear out playing in the creek.  It bleed something terrible but finally got him fixed up and he seems to be ok.  There for a while I didn't know he lost so much blood.  All in all a rather low key last few weeks.
We had company last week and that was fun as usual.  but made for a busy time so not much was accomplished.  We skipped our weekly meeting this week there wasn't much to discuss other than the grocery shopping list.
One thing that's worth a mention is the amount of food that Zach has started to consume.  he can now put away as many biscuits and pancakes as his dad.  That makes for a change in the quantity that I have to cook.  Just this weekend he was sitting at the table and says " I hate to see good pancakes go to waste"  and forks the rest onto his plate.  That child ended up eating five pancakes that morning.  But he ate that amount every morning over the long vacation. 
A few errands have to be run this week.  This week we should also be having a budget meeting again.  Time to start thinking about getting the garden broke up and seeds started inside.  The weather has been so pleasant the last few days it makes me think about replacing the sand in the pool filter a little early.  If the weather holds I may go ahead and bring up the deck furniture.  I'll have figure out a new placement for things since we have added the mudroom. It shrunk the size of the deck more than I like but we'll just have to make the best of it.  One good thing is it provided a more shady area that will be welcome come the middle of summer.  Normally we have to put up the gazebo tent for shade but i think we will be good without it this year.  "There's no great loss without some small gain."
Have a great day!
Until next time.....Kristi.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012